Friday, January 25, 2008


Poor Baby girl, had to go & get even more pokes by needles! I felt so bad for her. We walk in to the Pediatricians office& she immediately was saying no hurt me mamma! No hurt me! I thought of all the ways I could take the shot for her with no conclusion! Miss Adelyn was not a very cooperative patient to say the least! She would not let the Dr. look in her throat, nose or ears without a fight! She just wanted to be left alone!!! When it was all said & done & she had her pink band of courage on her leg we got an excellent bill of health! Adelyn is in the upper 75% for both height & weight! They say if you double height at 2 that is how tall the child will be! I do not know the truth behind it all because that would make Adelyn almost 6 feet tall & for those of you that know me standing barely 4"11 her possibilities of height are slim!!! But we can hope! I will not tell her any different. She is perfect just as she is!!!!!

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