Tuesday, December 18, 2007


What a face!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who has called & or kept our family in prayers! As most of you know today was the dreaded Dr.'s appt to the Hematologist! What a big name of a Dr. for such a lil girl to need! After two hours of very in-depth questions of family history and drawing enough blood for NINE vile's the Arnolds were able to leave more confused and more scared than when we arrived! The Dr. seemed wonderful and thorough, however did not want to analyze and gave us many scenarios of possibilities. None of which I wish for however most had the potential of being very treatable with medication! I will not know anything for at least 5-7 days which runs into Christmas which yes you guessed it I will not know anything until after Christmas! Surgery is most definitely off for now he said! Poor baby, also in discomfort with her ears! They are doing many extensive tests to rule out many types of diseases and or blood infections! The Dr. was not leaning toward any particular reason, yet did assure me there was an issue & NOT a laboratory error! He also assured me that this would not be the last of her visits to see him for blood! I appreciated his assurance. NOT REALLY. Feeling very vulnerable, I asked a dumb question, " Should I be worried, scared?" He replied "naturally!" Well as all of you being mothers yourself know that was not what I wanted to hear! I feel drained, mentally, physically and emotionally! Please continue to keep us in your prayers & I pray specifically for my patience! I seem to be on a very short fuse & everything seems to bother me or just send me over the edge! Not to mention already being on edge due to the time of year! I do not intend to hurt anyone's feelings if I am short or on edge, please understand that I do appreciate the e-mails, phonecalls etc..

I have to keep consistently praying for patience with Avery. She knows something is not right & seems to be pushing all the right buttons! Bless her heart! She said to me, mommy I don't want to see the dr. put a needle in Adelyn, because it will make me very mad! Poor baby, worried about her little sister! I just keep trying to forget and think for all the best, then I feel guilty for not worrying! Is there a happy medium? I am looking and trying to find the light!

While I was giving the girls a bath tonight I was reading today's daily devotional, I just knew it was going to speak to me! Holly's mom gave me the devotional on our all girls week at the coast back in June when I was having some discipline issues with Avery! (It assured me spanking was ok. not yelling. no yelling, that did not work)
Well today's verse was Genesis 28:16, Jacob awaked from his sleep and said surely the Lord is in this place!
I can say when I awoke this morning I felt the same way! "Lord surely you will be with me during this day?"
I know he was and always is, but it felt really good reading this tonight, and having the reassurance of His omnipresence! I just can't help but want Him to tell me the outcome! I know He already knows! Lately I feel i speak to Him on speaker, constantly just chatting, WHY? or something?

I appreciate again all the love and support from my wonderful friends and family! I will of course keep thinking positive and try to not let this get me down especially during this joyous time! Things could be much worse and I know I am truly blessed as a friend & mother! Thank you again to all of you! As soon as we find out any news I will keep you all posted.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. We leave tomorrow but will call you when we're back to see how things are going. You all will be in my prayers while we're gone!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Mendy, just popped in here on a little design break and found this post. I had no idea you were getting testing done or what for but I'll definitely keep her (and your family) in my prayers. It must be so frustrating to have to wait through the holiday for answers. Hope you're able to relax a bit and enjoy your weekend.



Melody A. said...

Yep, keep us posted.